Well, we have begun the adventure down taste bud lane. So far, green beans and peas have been a delight to Lexi. She loves them. However, today we experimented with carrots and it was a bust. She hated them. I don't know if it was because she was in a bad mood or what the deal was. I think I might try again tomorrow when she is in a better mood. I can't believe she is nearly 5 months old. She definitely has developed quite the personality. She has a clear opinion on a lot of things in life these days.
Things Lexi Likes:
1. She LOVES Finding Nemo. We watch it at least once a day. Her favorite part is when Dory speaks whale. She always cracks up during that part. Regardless of what kind of mood she is in, Finding Nemo makes her happy.
2. She LOVES watching my mom cook. She likes the mixer especially.
3. She really likes oatmeal, green beans, and peas.
4. She LOVES baths. She spent an hour in the bath tonight just playing. Silly baby.
5. She LOVES when people sing to her.
6. She loves Elmo.
7. She loves her mama. She has started crying every time I leave to go to school. It breaks my heart.
8. She LOVES being outside.
9. She LOVES the cats. The cats love her too. She smiles at them and talks to them and then pulls their hair and ears. The cats love the attention.
10. She loves mornings. She is an early bird and she is in the best mood at the wee hours of the morning.
11. She loves throwing anything she can get her hands on to the floor.
12. She LOVES having books read to her.
13. She LOVES standing up. She's been doing it since she was 2 months old with my help of course. I swear this kid is going to skip crawling entirely because she has no desire for it. She just wants to stand up all the time. Seriously. It's weird. She gets mad if she sits too long because she just wants to stand up and see everything.
Things Lexi Dislikes:
1. She hates the sound of the ice dispenser and the blender.
2. She hates being still for too long which would include being in the car seat for long periods of time.
3. She apparently hates socks because it is her mission to kick them off as soon as they go on.
4. Going to bed late.
5. She hates any toy that is permanently fixed to something because she can't figure out how to get it off. It is very frustrating to her.
6. She hates sleeping. She takes maybe three 30 minute naps during the day because there is just no time for napping when there is so much world to experience.
Other achievements include being able to roll from her back to stomach and from stomach to back. She can also sit up by herself for short periods of time. She is talking more and more. It sounds like she says Hi sometimes and she says haha in a sarcastic tone a lot. I don't think she really knows what she is saying. She just likes the sound. She squeals and laughs a lot and talks really loud at times. She is actually constantly making some kind of noise. She can stand up holding onto me with all of her weight on her feet…of course she has been doing this for a while. Lexi can get up on her knees and hands for short periods of time, but hasn't figured out how to coordinate crawling. Her hand control is getting better and better everyday. She can put a baby spoon in her mouth by herself and can grab just about anything. She can turn the pages in books by herself. She can hold her bottle by herself too. I also introduced the sippy cup to her this past week. She hasn't quite gotten the hang of it, but she knows there is water in there and she wants to drink it-she just can't get it at an angle where the water will come out.
There are probably more that I can't think of. I really need to update this more. Good night.