I've been meaning to get around to doing a big update for Lexi's One Year Birthday. She is now 13 months…eh…close enough. Things have been very busy for us lately. I feel like I have a lot of balls up in the air and I can't figure out which one of them is going to land first. Sigh.
Ok. So Lexi is doing awesome!!! She started walking at 11 months!! Woohoo. She is now running. Seriously, that girl can go places. I had to special order her some wide baby shoes because she has the fat foot gene that runs in the family on both sides. How unfortunate. She sure is talking a lot now too. Here are a list of words she says in some what of the order she began saying them.
1st word: uh-ohhh
2. No!
3. hi
4. bye
5. night-night
6. kitty
7. doll
8. "top"=stop
9. tickle
10. pretty
11. baby
12. cup
13. hat
14. Spongebob <-seriously
15. I'm sure there are a lot more I can't think of because she repeats whatever you say constantly.
She also knows a few words in sign language. She has made the sign for sleepy and jump and berries I think. She learned those from her Aunt Ruby.
What else, did I mention she is able to get into everything????? She grew an entire foot her first year of life! Wow! This new height gives her the ability to reach anything left on the edge of the counter.
I think that is all I'm going to post for now. I'll try to do some more frequent updates in the future.