Monday, April 23, 2012

Little Summerlin in Training

We went to visit her pediatrician for her 9 month check up this morning.  As always her doctor is super impressed with her development.  She was in the 95th percentile for about everything.  She is weighing in at 23 pounds and is 29 inches giant!  Yay for my healthy, healthy girl.

I did have some things to discuss with her pediatrician though.  Like these temper tantrums that she has started throwing.  Wow.  If I leave the room or even walk away from her to the other side of the room she pitches one every time.  Her doctor said this is very normal and the best thing is to ignore them and they will go away.  She is doing them because she wants attention.  So if I pick her up every time she pitches one, it just reinforces bad behavior.  Yikes.  It's hard to do because Miss Lexi is extremely stubborn.  She does not give in very easily, so these tantrums can go on for quite some time.  My mom says that this is a good trait for her to have.  It means she won't give in easily on things when she gets older so I should appreciate it.  Momma knows best, but it's hard to think any good can come from these horrible fits.

Also Miss Lexi has started laughing at me when I tell her "No".  What a punk.  She knows what it means and she tries to deflect my getting onto her by being all cute and laughing.  I hold her arms down and firmly continue telling her "No" and her chuckles slowly turn into serious cries.  Then she gets all apologetic and life goes on.  Kids are truly smart.  I never knew a 9 month old had all these levels of emotions.  And that personality!  Oh my does she have quite the personality!  I'm also astounded at how much independence she already has.  Most of the time she is pushing me away because she wants to do everything herself-brush her hair, feed herself, put on her own clothes even!  She also wants to help me do everything.

Every day gets more and more fun!  I pulled out a box of play plastic food toys from mom's attic the other day that Christine used to play with.  I'm pretty sure some of them got a little warped and discolored from their long stay in the attic, because I cannot identify what some of the food is supposed to represent.  But anyway, we have been having a grand time playing with it.  I'm not sure who is having more fun. :)

Lexi is also still a big fan of Finding Nemo.  We have watched it so much our DVD is about to die.  I'm thinking that Nemo is going to be the theme of her first birthday party which is coming up soon!!!

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